Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strawberry Shortcake Festival Thursday

Every year, the second Thursday in June brings Middletown's greatest early summer gustatory bliss (just my opinion), in the form of the Third Congregational Church's Strawberry Shortcake Festival, in Westfield.
Strawberry Shortcake!
June 11th
11AM until they're all eaten (about 4PM)

Third Congregational Church, 94 Miner Street
This Festival is one of my family's most treasured events all year long. The church serves enormous mounds of biscuit, strawberries, and real whipped cream. A large plate costs $6.50 and a small one $4.50 (large really does mean LARGE, beware).

One of the ladies who always helps with the preparation and serving, Arline Rich, told me that everything is always from scratch with these shortcakes. She said that they have been baking all day Wednesday in preparation, and will be whipping real cream all day tomorrow to serve with the strawberries.

It has been a fantastic year for growing strawberries in Connecticut, with lots of sun and just the right amount of rain. As a result, all of the berries are from Wallingford this year. This promises to be one of the best Strawberry Shortcakes you can get anywhere.

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