Thursday, June 18, 2009

Eye on the Air, Friday June 19

Eye On the Air
1-2 PM
WESU, 88.1 FM

TOPIC: Do you have the urge to run?

Would you like to see your name on the ballot? Do you think you could be a positive influence on public policy? Would you like to be considered something other than just another member of the public expressing your opinion? Today's guest will help us understand just what it takes to run for election, get yourself appointed to a board or committee, or serve in an official capacity on a governing body. Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut's Secretary of State and David Bauer, chairman of the Republican Town Committee will help us understand the legal obligations, and the appropriate steps you need to take to serve your city and state.

HOSTS: Ed McKeon and Stephen Devoto

NOTE: I will be working earnestly toward archiving all editions of Eye on the Air so they will be available for listening at your convenience.

1 comment:

  1. I listened to the broadcast for the last half hour. It was refreshing to hear the Secretary of the State call to the citizens of Middletown to serve on commissions. Curious to hear also that the way our council works is less than ideal. I like the 'districting idea'
    Thanks Ed for all your work.


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