Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fifteen Years and Still Perky

Okay, I know they don't serve perked coffee at Klekolo (pronounced Clay-ko-lo from Malian language of Minnianka, meaning, a system of rules to live by to achieve peace and harmony in the world), but the headline above sounded better than Fifteen Years and Still Drippy.

So today marks fifteen years that Klekolo has been offering high quality, high octane coffee to the residents of Middletown.

If you've visited, you know the coffee is superb, and that the tiny shop is a gathering space for hipsters, activists, bohemians and other members of Middletown's eclectic community.

Stop in today for a free piece of cake, and to compliment the staff on how spiffy the place looks.

1 comment:

  1. Klekolo is more than a coffee place; it is an experience. Forget your drive-thru, styrofoam coffee. Get up a little earlier and indulge yourself in a "cuppa" from Klekolo.


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