Friday, March 20, 2009

Democracy Now's Amy Goodman at WESU Fundraiser

Democracy Now's Amy Goodman will appear in a 7oth Anniversary fundraiser for WESU, Saturday April 4, at Wesleyan University's Memorial Chapel. Tickets are available at the Wesleyan box office. Ticket donation prices are $5 for Wesleyan students, and $10 for the general public. A meet and greet fundraiser prior to the speech includes a 6 pm to 7 pm private reception, a signed copy of Goodman's latest book Standing Up To the Madness.

Goodman has been an ardent supporter of independent radio, and of WESU, and she has frequently made pleas for support during WESU on-air fundraisers.

WESU-FM is an independent, community-based FM radio station which broadcasts from Wesleyan University. WESU is one of the oldest college radio stations in the country, having begun broadcasting in 1939 from Clark Hall. The appearance by Goodman is one of several celebrations of the anniversary planned by WESU.

1 comment:

  1. Rumor has it that funding for WESU is in jeopardy due to the drop in endowment funds - let's hope it's just a rumor.


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