Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Threepenny Opera at Oddfellows Playhouse

Last night I walked over to Oddfellows Playhouse to see the dress rehearsal of threepenny opera. The show has a fantastically driven cast who admit the show has been stressful but still burst with optimism! While talking to them, I learned that rehearsing has been going on since around September. Some of the cast members I talked to also admitted that Threepenny was one of their favorite shows, and they were very excited to get a chance to perform it.

The show starts this week and shows Thus-Fri-Sat.
Next week it shows Fri-Sat, and Fri-Sat the next week.
(12/5, 6, 12, 13, 19 and 20)
If you want tickets, I recommend calling Oddfellows to reserve them as the last musical was sold out in advance.
The phone number is (860) 347-6143 and their website is

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