Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You can vote for president, even if you haven't registered

The law allows you to vote for president even if you haven't registered.

You must vote at the Town Clerk's office in City Hall, but you cannot vote if you have applied for and received an absentee ballot in Connecticut or any other state. All you have to bring is your driver's license.

For information, call the registrar of voters in Middletown at (860) 344-3485, -3518, -3486, or -3517 if you have any questions.

One more thing. As long as you are in line by 8 p.m., you have the right to vote. They cannot close the polling place until everyone in line at 8 p.m. has voted.

This post ammended and bumped up on Tuesday morning by Jen A. Spread the word!

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