Monday, November 17, 2008

Wish you were here

(Wish you were here?)

Time was when every drug store, every corner market, in every city had a rack of post cards available to buy so you could send a note to a friend, or loved one, from any city you visited.

Not so today. You've got to be in Manhattan, or New Orleans, or Provincetown to find a picture post card.

Leave it to Barrie Robbins-Pianka to begin to create a new line of photo note cards, and Book Bower owner, Linda Bowers, for encouraging Robbins-Pianka in this endeavor. Robbins-Pianka's images are not exactly standard fare, but they're damned interesting (see below).

The new line of cards will be launched this Friday, November 21 from 5-6:30 pm at the Book Bower, the new used bookstore in Main Street Market, on Main Street.

By the way, the State Hospital image is NOT one of Robbins-Piankas' cards.

1 comment:

  1. Shocking

    No, CT State Hospital is not my card, but having grown up on the grounds, it was undoubtedly a seminal note card influence...particularly as I roamed the bucolic Maromas environs!

    Thanks very much for Eye coverage, Ed! Barrie


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