Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Garden goods through the dark winter

Ellie Wiener writes:

We wanted to let you know that the Wesleyan Farmers Market will be continuing this winter as an indoor market. We would love to have more Middletown residents come to this community event! It will take place on the following Wednesdays beginning this week:

November 19th
December 3rd

January 28th
February 11th

February 25th

The markets will be held in Beckham Hall in the Fayerweather Building adjacent to the Usdan University Center at 45 Wyllys Ave from 11-2.

There will be cheese, bread, greens, squash, jams, meat, baked goods, maple syrup, hot soup, and more!

For more information visit www.wesleyan.edu/wsa/wfm


  1. It's great that this market will continue through the winter! I just wish that it was sometimes held on weekends or night. Unfortunately I work in Hartford and can never attend.

  2. I would love to go to the farmer's market, but work full time, and can't go shopping in the middle of the day, like many people.

    Any way you could consider having hours that are something like 3:00 to 6:00? so working people can take advantage of the market? Or possibly a Saturday?

  3. We have thought about holding the market in the afternoons because we know that would be better for many Middletown residents. However, an afternoon time would not attract many students or faculty because there are so many other activities going on at that time (and not the same kind of student gathering at lunch time). We will definitely keep that in mind, though, and may try a later time in the future. Thanks for your support!


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