Friday, October 31, 2008

A candidate's letter to the editor

October 30, 2008

Dear Editor:

I want to thank everyone who supported my run for state representative. I had a great time meeting people. I especially enjoyed going door-to-door. I met many intelligent and informed residents who I would encourage to serve on city committees or work on the city Plan of Development. I hope more people participate to make our city even nicer.

Thank you to the 191 Middletown contributors and 47 other who enabled me to qualify for the Citizens’ election funding program. Lots of people contributed money who’ve never made a
contribution to anything political before, including relatives.

Thank you to everyone who fed and watered me these past few weeks, to those who made phone calls, created the Website, agreed to be photographed, and gave me the memorable campaign
headquarters. Lots of kids got involved which I believe bodes well for the future.

Thank you to my treasurer, Beth Emery who filed the mountain of hideous paperwork. She is the most dedicated, patient person alive. She alone made it possible for me to run.

Thank you to my mom, Adele, who walked with me for miles, addressed envelopes, and bothered all her friends for contributions. I realized along the way it was she who should have been the candidate years ago. I am a lucky daughter.

Last, a special thanks to my unwavering aide, Bethany Burns, who will be looking for new job after Tuesday. I recommend her highly. She is brilliant and will make your life easier if
you hire her.


Catherine Johnson
Candidate for State Representative (District 33), Middletown

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