Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Sunday walk through Wes

There's an old management style that always seemed practical to me - management by walking around.

On a slow news day, the same principal would seem to take root. Walk around until you find a story. One thing I've always loved about where I live is the proximity to a cultural and educational institution like Wesleyan.

On the Washington Terrace green, I met second semester Wes sophomore Matthew Larkin who was completing a line drawing assignment for his drawing class.

"The hardest thing for me is to draw what I see, and not what I know," he explained.

Just down the street, a Sunday afternoon concert of classical music, "Songs of Love and Loss" at the Russell House.

And a bit further into campus, the first home football game, against Hamilton, was taking place (as I walked away, Wesleyan was down by 10 in the fourth quarter).

In addition, I picked up a print copy of the Argus, with a strongly-worded editorial excoriating students for not being involved in the town's ongoing discussions with the Army Corps of Engineers on the siting of an Army Reserve Training Center here.

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