Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Delauro satisfied, Bysiewicz not

It appears that Representative Rosa Delauro is satisfied with Army Secretary Pete Geren's letter asking for a clarification on the legal status of why the Army Reserve Training Center must be built in Middletown. While Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz is not satisfied with the response.

Here's what Delauro had to say:

I am encouraged by the Secretary Geren’s willingness to work with the Middletown community as we move forward with the siting and construction of the Armed Forces Reserve Center. In its response, the Army maintains that the language is clear on Middletown as the location; that the criteria will include price, sufficient buildable area, site access, environmental issues, zoning and construction cost; that the Army needs to acquire suitable property in time to complete the project before the 15 September 2011 BRAC-imposed deadline; and that the Army Corps of Engineers will need to get the environmental permits necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act. With this letter we have a clear understanding of where the Army is coming from and this should offer some additional guidance for the officials and residents of Middletown in how we proceed on the Center.

It is through open communication that we can ensure the community is fully involved in this process and provides Middletown’s citizens with greater input. Clearly, we all want to avoid the frustration that was experienced earlier this year. This week’s public meeting will provide both the Army Corps and the citizens of Middletown the opportunity to review and discuss those sites which have been recommended by the Mayor’s advisory panel.


  1. Here is the core of Army Secretary Geren's letter to Congresswoman DeLauro (full text here)

    The Army interprets and complies with BRAC recommendation language based on its plain meaning. Recommendation #15 requires that units are to be relocated to a new AFRC, OMS and AMSA "...in Middletown, CT ..." not in the vicinity of, or within 20 driving miles of the town limits. This unambiguous location language directs the Army to locate the new AFRC within the city limits of Middletown.
    The Army is responsible for determining site suitability.
    If the Army cannot acquire land suitable for construction of the facilities in Middletown in time .... then the Army ... will be unable to complete BRAC recommendation #15.

    Exactly what in the Secretary's letter does she find encouraging?

  2. This boiler-plate response, also known as stonewalling, is no response at all from the Secretary. Having grandstanded enough,I think the Congresswoman has washed her hands of us...


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