Sunday, June 5, 2022


 A Nuri assists Nuri Organizer Joe Spatola, Jr. wrap a sash around the St. Sebastian's Statue at the St. Sebastian's Cemetery on 5-15-22 also assisting him is his father Joe Spatola, Sr. prior to leaving for the "I Nuri Run. Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE
The "I Nuri" Leave St. Sebastian's Cemetery in Middlefield On Route 66 Enroute To The St. Sebastian's Church In Middletown On May15, 2022.  Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE




“E Chiamamulu Paisanu! Primu Diu E Sammastianu!” This Italian phrase was heard once again loud & clear on the streets of Middlefield, Middletown & Beyond for the 2022 "100 + 1" Festival after an absence of 3 years due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The phrase means "He's one of our own! First God and then Saint Sebastian.”

A father-Sebastian Liseo- carries his son on his shoulders inside the St. Sebastian's Church in Middletown and they are saying “E Chiamamulu Paisanu! Primu Diu E Sammastianu!” before the statue is taken out of the church Photo By Frank Logiudice
The Founders' Relatives Carry The St. Sebastian's Statue Out of The Church Before Transferring It To The "I Nuri" For The Processional On  Sunday, 5-15-22. Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE

This year's festival "Surpassed other years" stated Tri-Chairman Sal Nesci and Chairman Dr. Gene Nocera who described it as better than the last time it was held in 2019. The annual "I Nuri Run" which started at the St. Sebastian's Cemetery in Middlefield was also another success story. The run this year had over 350 runners from around Connecticut in addition to the two buses from Massachusetts & Pennsylvania according to Nesci.

The "I Nuri" now have the Saint Sebastian's Statue in their possession from the Founders' relatives.  The "I Nuri" paraded the statue around downtown Middletown for everyone to see. Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE

Why do the "I Nuri" do this? According to Lisa Brown of Middletown she commented "It is a sacrifice, a pilgrimage, faith to God & St. Sebastian." Cecelia Carabetta of Meriden did it for "tradition." Carabetta had been doing it for approximately 10 years she began when she was 15 and is now 24. Linda Guarino of Middletown had been doing it for 17 years she began when she was 4; she's 21 years old now. Melinda Aqbanyo is also a veteran of the "I Nuri Run." She has been doing it for 17 years and is 23 years old now.

This year's feast marked the end of an era for local residents involved in both the "I Nuri Run" and the Feast Committee. Joe Spatola, Sr. who started the annual "I Nuri Run" in 1982 with Chris & Scott Colavito is passing this annual tradition to his son Joe Spatola, Jr. and his son, Gianluca.


The Faithful "I Nuri" Carry The St. Sebastian's Statue On Washington Street Outside The Church For The Processional.  Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE

The annual "I Nuri Run" is modeled after a similar celebration at the Saint Sebastian's Church in Melilli, Sicily. The annual "I Nuri Run" there began at 3 a.m. in the mountains called the "Sacred Cross," according to Spatola, Sr. He wanted to replicate that sacred place for the "I Nuri Run" here and that place is the Saint Sebastian's Cemetery in Middlefield. The first year they did it they began at the cemetery ran to the former Garibaldi's Society on Washington Street and when they received the word via walkie talkie that the mass was over from a church parishioner stationed there to a Garibaldi's member they continued their run from there to the church. The response they received from the parishioners attending the 11 a.m. mass was "phenomenal" according to Spatola.

The "I Nuri" leave the St. Sebastian's Cemetery.  In the Center Is Nuri Organizer Joe Spatola, Jr. and to the Right of him is his son Gianluca.  Joe Spatola, Sr. is passing this annual family tradition to his son and grandson.  Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE

In 1985 his son Joe was born and he began carrying him after his birth. In 1986, Spatola's cousin Gary Faraci started doing it. Spatola commented "As the years went on we began to get more people involved."

This year's feast committee Tri-Chairmen & Feast Secretary-

Dr. Gene Nocera, Sal Nesci, Frank Marchese & Karen Nocera are stepping down after 15 years of leading the St. Sebastian's Feast. Nesci commented, "We recognize after 15 years it's time to pass it on to a new generation of leaders who will continue the tradition of the Saint Sebastian's Festival." Nocera echoed Nesci's comments by stating "Change is good." Nocera stated they "will have a key role to play in next year's feast." The new Tri-Chairpersons will be Angela Magnano, Mario Mazzotta, & Christopher Serra. The Joint Secretaries will be Joanne Mercaldi & Rose Doolittle.


Members of the Sam Vinci Band March and Play The St. Sebastian's Feast Song "Seven" During the "I Nuri Processional.  To The Right is Sam Vinci.   Four Members of the Band will perform at the Outdoor Concert For the Middlesex County Historical Society "Century of Devotion Exhibit On Sat., June 11, 2022 at 12 p.m.

The outdoor concert for the "Century of Devotion" exhibit featuring the Sam Vinci Band at the Middlesex County Historical Society was postponed on May 7th due to inclement weather.  It has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 12 p.m. stated Executive Director Dr. Jesse Nasta. It will feature songs from Melilli, Sicily and will be held in the backyard of the General Mansfield House located at 151 Main Street in Middletown. Sam Vinci and his band has been providing music for the Saint Sebastian’s Church Festival for seventy years.  The four band members performing on June 11th are Vinci, Mike Proscino & Angelo Sapia of Middletown and Rich Shonty of South Windsor.


People will be able to view the exhibit during and after the concert. The Middlesex Historical Society will be open until 2:30 p.m. on June 11, 2022.


The "Century of Devotion" exhibit will be on display until the Fall 2022 and the hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 3 pm- and by appointment from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held on Monday, June 13, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.


If you have not been vaccinated against the COVID-19 Virus, please get your shot.  If you have please do not forget to get your booster shot too and if you are eligible for a second booster get that one also.  To find out how please go to


To see a preview of the Sam Vinci Band please click on the link below.


Enjoy the video




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