Sunday, March 6, 2022

Opinion: Racist, Death threats letter

 Submitted by David Roane.
TO: Editor Middletown Eye

The Middletown Press Morning Briefing reads “Officials: Death threats, racist letter.”

Not Surprise, because the truth is being revealed finally. We have a City Official, and even the local president of NAACP saying and still are contented today saying, believing, and promoting “This is not (On the alleged misconduct by  Dr. Conner/top district administrators) about race, and or because the superintendent is a Black Man.” Shame on You.

Word is that similar allegations have been made in the past and were going on with-in the B. O. E. system for years. The difference this time is compared to the past the superintendent has always been a White male or female .

Second these assaults against Dr. Conners were escalated by the racist members of the union on two fronts: their way of trying to get defeated the Charter Revision work and proposal to separate the school from being held hostage by the city when it came to hiring etc., and just as important they did not want this superintendent to have all those additional powers over them solely because he is a black man.

Racism has been and still is alive and well with-in this city. There is a saying “the proof is in the pudding” the Threats and racist letter is the pudding.

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