Friday, March 4, 2022

Opinion: MPD Must Thoroughly Investigate Racist Act Targeting Superintendent Conner.

The following letter was submitted to The Eye by BLAC, the Black Leaders and Administrators Consortium, Inc., Dr. Terrell M. Hill, Founding President. The Eye welcomes signed opinion pieces,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Michael Connor, Superintendent of Middletown Schools, received a package of racist, threatening, and hateful material at his home last week, sent by the father of a student who taunted classmates at Middletown High with a Confederate flag. Middletown Press and WFSB have further coverage of the story. 

To Whom It May Concern, 

We, the members of Black Leaders and Administrators Consortium, Inc. (BLAC) are angered and concerned about the hateful and racist act that targeted one of our members, Dr. Michael Conner and his family. As an organization created to promote and advocate for the career progression of Black leaders, we stand firmly against any and all acts of racism, intimidation, and discrimination. 

As school administrators and leaders at all levels in CT and MA schools, we know all too well how tough these jobs are, as well as the negative commentary that we, at times, receive via email or during public forums. Sadly, we understand this is simply part of the work and that we have learned to accept it. That being said, we do not forfeit our rights as citizens of this state or country when we take on these leadership roles. We have the expectation, belief, and quite frankly the constitutional right to be free of threats and harassment in our homes. Our families are just as sacred to us as any other person's family. At no time is it ever ok or acceptable for someone to violate the sanctity of our homes; or cause us to worry about the mental, physical or spiritual freedom we find primarily in our homes. The documents mailed to Dr. Michael Conner's home were sent with the intent to violate all of this. 

We call on the Middletown Police Department to thoroughly investigate this evil and malicious act, with all due diligence. 

It is unfortunate that a portion of our society believes it can do as it pleases to others, particularly People of Color, but we are here to emphatically state that we will not allow anyone to treat us with anything other than the utmost respect. We call to action all true allies and those of like mind to stand with us against all such beliefs and acts. 

There is never a convenient time to stand for what is right! 

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