Saturday, September 11, 2021

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021
1:30 PM

On Saturday, September 18, Rhonda McClure from NEHGS will present "Choosing a Genealogy Software Program."

Do you have a genealogy software program? If not, what options exist? Maybe you have a program but have thought about switching. Rhonda, Senior Genealogist at the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, will compare and contrast the programs currently available. Come prepared with any questions you have about the advantages and capabilities of the various programs out there.

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (EDT).  The new time will make it more convenient for the library's West Coast members to join the meeting.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email:

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal (send to Godfrey Memorial Library). Then register using the above email.

Please register by 4:00 pm Friday, September 17.

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