Thursday, April 15, 2021

Saturday: Want to Act Local?

Do you want to determine our future, but don't know what's involved in running for office? 

In November, voters will elect new members of the Board of Education and the Planning and Zoning Commission, both of which have profound effects on the future of our city. 

This Saturday there will be an informational session on what it means to serve in office, and what it takes to run and serve as an elected official. The Chair of the Board of Education, Deborah Cain, and the Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Stephen Devoto will be there, as well as Mayor Ben Florsheim and Chief of Staff Bobbye Knoll Peterson. 

The event will be held via Zoom, from 10AM to 11AM on Saturday, register at WWW.BIT.LY/BOEPZ417.

It will also be streamed on the Democratic Town Committee Facebook page.

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