Saturday, April 10, 2021


ZOOM Genealogy Club — April 17, 2021 – 11:30 AM (EDT)

Topic:  Understanding Evidence, Proving Your Point

Godfrey Memorial Library Board Chair and Senior Researcher Al Fiacre will discuss what is involved in doing professional quality genealogical research, something we all can aspire to. Are your sources original, derivative, or authored? How about the informant for that source – primary, secondary, or undetermined? Is your evidence direct, indirect or negative? Have you studiously ignored conflicting information, or found and resolved it? Why does any of this matter? Al will present a couple of case studies to help illustrate his points.

GML Premium Godfrey Scholar members can register for free at the following email:

If you are not a GML Premium Godfrey Scholar member and want to view the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal at the following web address:    Then register at the email above.

Please register by 4:00 pm Friday, April 16.

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