Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Buttonwood Tree Presents Storytelling with Story City Troupe Featuring Moth Champion Tom Ouimet

 $10 - March 5th - 7-9 PM - Online Via Zoom

Come and join us this Friday for Story City Troupe a collective of storytellers based in the Hartford, CT area founded by Sue Huggans. They will showcase fascinating adult style story time!
This month's theme will be "Passion," in all it's many forms--there's so much to love about this life! We will also feature returning teller Tom Ouimet who has been busy telling stories and winning Slams at The Moth!
All stories are true, personal stories, often funny, sometimes amazing, poignant or ironic and based on a single theme for the evening. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll identify!  Tickets
The audience is invited to participate by offering to tell their own story (email for details) and by staying on after the storytelling for an informal "Chat room." You may talk with the tellers or other audience members, ask questions, get advice etc!
March Tellers:
Mike Isko
Nina Lesiga
Sue Huggans
Tom Ouimet
And if there's time after audience participation, TBT's own Anne-Marie McEwen

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