Tuesday, January 12, 2021

City Man Awarded National Literary Award

From the Garden Club of America


The Sarah Chapman Francis Medal is awarded for outstanding literary achievement related to any aspect of The Garden Club of America’s interests and will be awarded to Thomas A. Christopher in recognition of his work in giving readers a deeper understanding of the natural world.

Through his many books, podcasts, magazine and newspaper articles, and lectures, Thomas Christopher has elevated the art of garden writing, giving readers a deeper understanding of the natural world. With a touch of humor in clear and crisp prose, he captures the attention of his readers. From his first book, In Search of Lost Roses, to the award-winning Garden Revolution: How our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change, to his most recent book, Nature into Art: The Gardens of Wave Hill, he has instructed thousands of gardeners.  

His writing explores a wide range of topics—heirloom chickens, tropical plants, xeriscaping, making hard cider, and slow-growing fescues—expanding our understanding of the many facets of sustainable gardening. He reaches a wide audience with his syndicated column, “Be a Better Gardener.” Thomas Christopher’s work expresses the joy we feel in nature, helping us become better gardeners and more conscientious ecological stewards. 

Proposed by Middletown Garden Club, Zone II 

1 comment:

  1. Not only are Tom's books terrifically informative and engaging, his amusing presentations make one think in new ways about one's own small plot of earth. From a striking magnolia tree in my front yard to an intriguing pathway in my back yard and many other details, I have been the grateful recipient of his creative insights for a couple of decades. Most of all he is a strong believer that one can have a garden that looks beautiful and is in harmony with the broader natural habitat. Congratulations on this well-earned honor.


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