Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sam Slade to Challenge State Senator Matt Lesser

Submitted by Samantha Slade
Former Cromwell Town Councilwoman, Sam Slade, announced on social media Thursday that she will be running for State Senate in the 9th District — where she hopes to represent the people of Cromwell, Middletown, Newington, Rocky Hill, and Wethersfield.

Slade, a non-profit employee, U.S. Army veteran, and volunteer firefighter, understands that common sense leadership is  desperately needed in Hartford.

“When we do our budgets at home, we don’t spend money we don’t have coming in. That is how this state needs to start operating,” Slade said.

Slade’s known ability to work across party lines and engage with residents helped her attain the highest number of votes out of any Cromwell Town Council candidate in 2017.

Slade served on the Town Council from 2015 to 2019 where she had a number of notable accomplishments. She voted on austere budgets, encouraged economic development opportunities, supported various environmental protection and arts endeavors, and spearheaded the development of the LGBTQ+ Committee. Slade resigned from her seat in June 2019 when she accepted a deployment to the Middle East.

“We need to make Connecticut a more affordable place to raise a family, retire, and start a business. We need to encourage millennials, like myself, to build their futures here. Together we can make Connecticut a destination, not a pass through state — and we can do that through fiscally responsible budgets and realistic transportation and health care plans.”

1 comment:

  1. What does realistic transportation and health care plans look to you? While it's important to balance budget, sometimes investments for our future require upfront costs for long term benefits and payoff. Also how would a balanced budget account for social and environmental well-being, which is not currently quantified in our economy?


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