Saturday, January 25, 2020

Genealogy Club
Godfrey Memorial Library, 134 Newfield Street, Middletown

Saturday, February 01, 2020
9:30 - 11:00 am

“Channeling Your Inner Columbo:  Going Beyond Vital Records to Expand Your Family Tree”
with Dorena Wasik

What does Columbo have to do with genealogy?  On the series, he always found a small detail – overlooked by everyone else – that solved the case.  In this presentation, we will learn to look for those small details to find unknown family and bring our family trees to life.  There are many useful documents to be found beyond birth, marriage, or death certificates (BMD).  They include ship arrival records, naturalization papers, and obituaries, among many other items.  Just because you think you know all the information you need, take another look to find some valuable clues.

Dorena Wasik has been doing Polish genealogy research for over 10 years.  She has spoken at several genealogy conferences in Poland, helping Polish genealogists to find their American family.  She is member of the Polish American Foundation of Connecticut, heading the program “Welcome Home” that reconnects Americans with their Polish roots.

Free to Godfrey Premium members.  $10 per session for all others.  Open to the general public.  Attendees will have time after the meeting to do research at the library.  Call the library at (86) 346-4375  if you have any questions.

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