Monday, November 4, 2019

The Ballot

We will be able to vote for ONE candidate for mayor, up to EIGHT candidates for Common Council, ONE candidate for treasurer, up to FIVE candidates for Board of Education, up to TWO candidates for Board of Assessment Appeals, up to FOUR candidates for Planning and Zoning regular, and up to TWO candidates for Planning and Zoning alternate.

And don't forget to vote on the Open Space Bond Referendum (top left of the front page)!

Choose wisely!
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  1. Thank you! This is the info I was looking for

  2. It would be great if people would write in about who they are supporting for other positions not the mayor. There are a lot of new people in both parties and it's hard to meet them all.

    For example, I just met Justin Taylor who was going door to door on the weekend and he had some of his students with him. He said different students came with him each weekend. He's running for Board of Ed. I thought that was a good approach to show that he is experienced working with students, and that he was using his run as a way to show kids something about how the political process works.

    Would someone who supports Meghan Carta please write in? I don't know her or anything about her (beyond her bio) and would appreciate if someone would speak up about her. THank you.

  3. Please don't forget that there is also a ballot question about supporting a $5 million dollar bond for open space purchases. The money can be spent bit by bit any time in the next 20 years and it will strengthen Middletown's position in applying for state matching funds and for other available grants. This passed the Common Council unanimously.
    Elisabeth Holder


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