Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nutmeg State Games And CT Masters Games Coming To City

From a press release by the Connecticut Sports Management Group, Inc.
Our City will serve as the next host city for 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Nutmeg State Games and Connecticut Masters’ Games. These Olympic-style games inspire the principles of the Olympic spirit of competition, healthy lifestyles and good sportsmanship in athletes of all ages. Well over 8,700 athletes, 500 volunteers and 20,000 spectators will be convening in Middletown and throughout Middlesex County in May, June, July and August.

“Middletown is honored to host the Nutmeg State Games and Connecticut Masters’ Games and we welcome athletes and sports fans from around the state to our city,” said Mayor Daniel Drew. “We look forward to continuing our tradition of showcasing Middletown as a premier location for hosting sporting events.”

“I’m thrilled to welcome the Nutmeg State Games and the Connecticut Masters’ Games to Middletown, and so excited to work with an outstanding team to make it a success for the athletes, for the fans, and for our city,” said Mayor-Elect Ben Florsheim.

The Nutmeg State Games and Connecticut Masters’ Games consist of more than thirty-four different sport competitions, which include team and individual sport offerings. Athletes from all over Connecticut and from surrounding states will take part in the various competitions.

“The Nutmeg State Games and Connecticut Masters’ Games are a leading, community-oriented festival that will attract top amateur athletes of all ages from all over Connecticut and the Northeast to the City of Middletown and Middlesex County,” said Larry McHugh, President of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce.

The Nutmeg State Games is the largest amateur multi-sport Olympic-style sporting event in Connecticut. More than 7,000 participants, 600 coaches, 500 officials, 300 volunteers and numerous spectators will take part in the annual event. Participants range from six to eighty years of age

The Connecticut Masters’ Games provides adults and senior athletes from thirty to ninety-plus years of age an opportunity to compete in a variety of athletic events and activities throughout the spring and early summer. Each year 1,700 athletes, 200 volunteers and 2,000 spectators take part in the annual event.

In addition to the Nutmeg State Games and Connecticut Masters’ Games the City has hosted the annual Nutmeg Holiday Basketball Festival since 2013. The Nutmeg Holiday Basketball Festival held at Wesleyan University and Vale Sports Club runs from December 27th through the 29th. The Nutmeg Holiday Festival features eighty-eight boys and girls town travel teams in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades in a competitive basketball tournament. An impressive 147 games are played during the three day festival. Over 950 participants, 250 coaches and 2,500 spectators take part in the annual event.

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