Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Meet Your Greens: Invasive Plants with Lindsay Suhr Novemeber 21st

The Rockfall Foundation’s November Meet Your Greens networking meet-up will be on Thursday, November 21 at El Pulpo & Tapas Bar, Middletown. Join us for drinks, food, and conversation 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Guest speaker Lindsay Suhr will discuss Invasive Plants: A Growing Concern.

As the Land Conservation Director for the Connecticut Forest & Park Association, Lindsay is in charge of conserving and stewarding land entrusted to CFPA. She also serves on the steering committee of the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group. Lindsay will tells us about the characteristics of invasive plants, some little known facts about invasive plants, and why we should all care about invasive plants. She’ll also share some resources to get you started on your own project.

El Pulpo is located at Melilli Plaza. Its entrance is inside Main Street Market. Admission is free. Guests pay for their own food and drink. Please join us!

Meet Your Greens: Middletown Green Drinks is a monthly event providing networking opportunities for anyone who is interested in making connections and exchanging news about emerging environmental issues to help keep Lower Connecticut River Valley communities green. An official location of Green Drinks International, this informal monthly gathering of people drawn from the community, nonprofit groups and the business world offers time to brainstorm ideas and plant seeds for collaboration. All are welcome and there is no admission fee, unless otherwise noted. For more information, please visit The Rockfall Foundation’s website.

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