Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Middletown Earns Highest Honor in Sustainable Connecticut Program

The City of Middletown is among the Connecticut municipalities to be recognized on October 30th at the New Britain Museum of American Art for achieving certification as a Sustainable CT community.  The City met high standards in a broad range of sustainability accomplishments to qualify for the prestigious Silver certification. 

Sustainable CT, a statewide initiative that inspires and supports communities in becoming more efficient, resilient, and inclusive, announced its 2019 certified communities this week. 

“On behalf of the City of Middletown, we are delighted to participate in the Sustainable CT program and receive its highest honor, a Silver Certification. More than that, Middletown’s team is recognized for driving genuine and innovative sustainable practices that will serve the City for a long time”, said Mayor Daniel T. Drew.

In its application for Sustainable CT certification, Middletown demonstrated significant achievements in actions in nine sustainable impact areas ranging from inclusive community building, thriving local economies, and vibrant arts and culture to clean transportation and diverse housing.  Middletown successfully completed actions included recognition of strong Complete Streets progress, energy planning, arts and culture, implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency, .

“The Sustainable CT program has helped us take stock of our strengths and opportunities while driving positive sustainable actions, including a focus on equity and its importance for creating a sustainable future”, said Michael Harris, the City’s Energy Coordinator.

Certification lasts 3 years, with the state’s first cohort of municipalities certified in 2018.  Collectively, forty-seven municipalities, over 27% of the state’s communities, have earned Sustainable CT certification.  Certified communities span every county and include some of Connecticut’s largest cities and smallest towns.

“Congratulations to our 2019 certified Sustainable CT communities,” said Lynn Stoddard, Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University, which administers the program.  “We are inspired by your leadership and eager to share your accomplishments in building efficient, thriving, and resilient communities.”

A program that empowers municipalities to create high collective impact for current and future residents, Sustainable CT is managed under the leadership of the Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University.

Sustainable CT is philanthropically funded, with strong support from its three founding funders: the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, the Common Sense Fund, and the Smart Seed Fund.

The City of Middletown and other certified communities will also be recognized on December 3 at the Annual Convention of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities.

For more information, visit www.sustainablect.org.

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