Friday, October 25, 2019

Conservation District to Hold 72nd Annual Meeting at Lyman Orchards, Saturday, November 2

We invite you to join the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District on November 2, 2019 at 1pm for our 72nd Annual Meeting at Lyman Orchards in Middlefield. The meeting will feature a talk and tour about our project, Landscaping for Water Quality at Apple Barrel Pond, led by  Kathy Connolly of Speaking of Landscapes.  Learn about the waterside buffer gardens, upland plantings, water plantings, and pervious paving designed to protect the pond.

Lyman Orchards is a family owned and operated orchard offering a variety of seasonal pick-your-own fruits, a farm market and bakery, a corn maze, and other family friendly activities and events.  Founded on a commitment to preserve the land for future generations, it has been in operation for over 275 years.  The farm had its beginnings in 1741 as a 37-acre parcel of land and now includes more than 1,100 acres of scenic farmland.

Prior to the talk and tour, we'll hold a brief business meeting, a review of the past year’s activities and accomplishments, and a ceremony to honor our conservation award winners. After the tour, there will be time to enjoy refreshments and conversation, as well as other activities at Lyman Orchards.  Bring your family and go apple picking, try your hand at the apple cannon, or navigate the corn maze, which will be open for its final weekend of the year!

Help us congratulate our 2019 Conservation Award Winners!

Denise Savageau, CT Association of Conservation Districts

Meghan Lally, CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
John Lyman, Lyman Orchards
Rhode van Gessel, Rhode van Gessel Design
Westbrook Outlets

For more information, go to "What's New" on the homepage of our website.

RSVP to Sandy Weiss at 860.346.3282 or

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