Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Opinion: Bartolotta Fights For Rights

Submitted by David Roane
Councilwoman Mary Bartolotta has been fighting for the rights of Middletown residents for the past eight years. Specifically, she has been a champion for the issues deepest to my heart: minority rights, veteran’s rights, and senior rights. I urge members of these communities to support Mary’s campaign for Mayor.

Mary has displayed her commitment to racial justice while on the Common Council and continues to do so on the campaign trail. It was Mary who introduced a fair housing ordinance banning housing discrimination based on an individual’s race, gender, or sexual orientation. This commonsense piece of legislation knocks down a barrier for minority communities to find stable homes.

Several years ago, Mary began working to establish and build the necessary support for a community review board for incidents involving the police which I believe will help create a much needed dialogue around racial justice in Middletown.

In addition to be being a person of color and a senior, I count myself as lucky to be one of the many citizens of this city who have served bravely for our country. Mary will work for us because her drive to help veterans is personal. Mary’s childhood experience of watching her brother struggle has shaped her greatly and given her a lifelong commitment to veterans and their families.

Mary has a proven record of supporting veterans and seniors. Most recently, Mary introduced new tax breaks for local gold star families and for Middletown seniors.  As Mayor, I know Mary will continue to find new ways to support those who have served.  We need elected leaders who stand up for Veteran’s rights, and Mary will not let us down.

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