Monday, August 26, 2019

Opinion: Bartolotta Combines Experience With Heart

Submitted by Ellen Ornato.
I've spent considerable time getting to know Mary Bartolotta, the endorsed Democratic candidate for Mayor in Middletown. I'm very impressed by her commitment to shaping the future of our city through collaboration with people from all walks of life, her deep understanding of the city’s budget and government operations, and the diversity of her private sector experiences.

Mary offers Democrats a clear choice in the upcoming September 10 primary for Mayor, in terms of experience, integrity, and focus. Mary makes sense.

Consider the following:

Municipal Leadership Experience: Mary has been a Democractic member of the Common Council for nearly 8 years, voting her mind and her conscience (not always the party line).
  • She was instrumental in protecting our children by helping pass an ordinance eliminating the use of toxic pesticides on our playing fields.
  • She is passionate about following the recommendations of the Conservation Commission for open-space acquisition (and for keeping politics and favoritism out of open space purchases).
  • She heads the building committee on the new middle school plan, proving that she can and will work collaboratively with the Board of Education. Choosing a candidate for Mayor who has significant experience as an elected official makes sense.
Personnel Experience: Mary has a private sector background; she has been responsible for recruitment, hiring, training, and professional development for a retail business with 21 stores.  Choosing a candidate who has human resource experience and who’s committed to hiring the most qualified person for each position makes sense.
Finance Experience: Mary understands how profitable businesses run and is very motivated to reduce waste and increase the value of each dollar in the City of Middletown’s $166M budget.  Choosing a Mayoral candidate who understands each line item and has worked on every budget since elected makes sense.
Heart: Mary cares about all of Middletown’s residents. She brings a high level of empathy and perspective to conversations about helping all of our residents thrive. Her supporters represent the diversity of our city, who support her based on her character, her commitment, and her follow through. Her heart and actions support those whose needs go unmet, whether it’s children in our schools or the elderly. That makes sense.

There are position papers on Mary’s campaign website regarding some of the major issues facing our city. Mary offers many distinct differences from the other candidates—relevant experience, heart, and a commitment to positive change.

Please vote for Mary Bartolotta, the Mayoral candidate who “makes sense,” on September 10th in the Democratic primary.

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