Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Russo Declares for Mayor

Middletown Democrats -

Today I will be filing paperwork to officially begin my campaign to
become Mayor of Middletown.

In recognition of your commitment to the betterment of our community and to
electing Democrats, I wanted to make sure you were among the first to know
that I am taking this step.

As most of you know, I have been Director of Public Works since 2004, having
worked my way up through the ranks.   When I started working for the people
of Middletown over 30 years ago, I never imagined that one day I'd run for
Mayor. But I know this city and how our government works, and I know how to
continue to strengthen our community through the growth we are experiencing.
I was born and raised in Middletown, right on Grand Street, and raised my
two daughters here because I know what a great place this is to live. It
would be an honor to serve the City that has given me so much.

To me, good government and Democratic values are all about making sure
people get their money's worth for the taxes they pay. We need to keep taxes
down while making sure we have great parks, safe roads and streets, solid
infrastructure and strong schools. It takes experience to make that happen,
and I'll put my experience and work ethic up against anyone who wants to run
for this office.

I have witnessed progress and great success on the part of City government.
I have seen our City deal with human tragedies, severe weather events,
financial challenges, and saddest of all - disregard for others in our
community.  I want to be Mayor to champion our successes, celebrate our
diversity, and unite us to overcome our challenges so that we can be the
best City we can be - for all of Middletown.  I will need help from all of
you to do so.

I look forward to engaging our entire community in conversations during the
coming weeks - sharing my ideas, and listening to yours, about how we can
make our City better.   In doing so, I hope to earn your trust and support. 

Very truly yours,
Bill Russo

Paid for by Bill Russo for M

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