Wednesday, April 17, 2019

OPINION: Best Ever in Middletown

Among the glories of Middletown's flowering trees, the Saucer Magnolia stands supreme.

This is the week when they are in full bloom. You'll especially find them in our downtown or near historic houses around the city.  If nothing else, take a drive up Court Street, just past First Church, to see the granddaddy of them all, in front of the old Middlesex Mutual headquarters (a closeup of blossoms is pictured).

As always, I'm willing to entertain other nominations.  Take a picture of your favorite magnolia and email to me at and I'll add it to this post.  Here's a photo of the one behind Kidcity, which despite the best efforts of power lines and pole, lends some class to the parking lot.


From Jessica Fazzino:

This is on Pearl Street outside of the old Middletown High School (taken just now at dusk). I love to see these in bloom too! :)

From Jon Schroth:

There's a nice one in a patch of green between the Post Office and East Main St.
But yeah, the one on court street is hard to beat. 


  1. This being Earth Month and with Arbor Day looming (celebrated in Middletown on Friday, April 26), how about planting a tree? Magnolias are very easy to care for, and many of them begin blooming at a young age. If you don't have room for a Saucer Magnolia, there are lots of other choices. If you already have a Saucer Magnolia, try planting an Eastern Redbud nearby, since the color combination is stunning; also your Redbud's flowers will survive heavy rains, which tend to be a Magnolia's downfall.

  2. What a blessing and glorious thing it is to celebrate Spring and Nature and not dwell on the ugliness of our political and social world. Thank you for sharing and reminding us of the wonder of nature.

  3. One of my favorite beauties to behold! Indeed, thank you for sharing.


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