Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Buttonwood Tree Offers Space Helping the Homeless

Hip Hop for the Homeless (presented by Joey Batts)
Thursday, December 6th  8 -10:30 pm Donations welcome
(with cupcakes by NORA)
Details here

There is something about the holiday season that heightens most people’s sense of compassion toward those less fortunate. But Hartford school teacher and local rapper Joey Batts doesn’t need the holidays to see that people in his community are in need.
“Five years ago I noticed that some of my students were struggling with being displaced from their homes or couch surfing, and it was the first time in my life I realized that homelessness affects different types of people. The archetype of the old homeless guy with the big beard is not always what the face of homelessness really is. Being hungry affects so many people.” - Joey Batts

Upcoming Events

Friday, December 7th
Story City Troupe
Storytelling "Moth" style

8:00-10:00 pm| $10 suggested donation

Saturday, December 8th
Aligned with Source: 
A Personal Development Workshop
& Guided Meditation  
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
 $10 Suggested Donation (give what you can)
Topic: "A journey of  discovery"
Looking back how much has changed! Who were you then & who now? Explore the differences & the sameness  - Annaita Gandhy  Details here
Saturday, December 8th
Vision Board Workshop
w/ Flo
1:00-3:00 pm
Door: $15 includes supplies
Create Your Dream for the New Year -
2019 is just around the corner! This is the perfect time to focus on what you want to manifest in the New Year.       Details here
Saturday, December 8th
Joe Fonda 
& The Tri Continental Trio
 (Jazz out of the box)
Featuring notorious international musicians:
Guillermo Gregorio on the clarinet, hailing from and representing the unique sound of Argentina and
Roman Lopez on drums, whose style is rooted in his home country of Spain
8:00-10:00 pm   Door: $15 

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