Monday, October 15, 2018

Opinion: Why Do You Vote Democrat?

The following was submitted by city resident Joan Liska.
How many elections have you voted Democrat?  Have you done so because your parents brought you up in the party?  Have you actually investigated to see how your elected officials are actually representing you?  Do you know how they vote in their day to day business up at the state capitol or in Washington?

Did you know that the Democrat controlled state legislature has buried you and your family in crushing debt?  Did you know that each and every person in your household (including babies and the un-employed) owes a piece of the long term state debt to the tune of $17,418.  Thanks to out of control big spenders in charge of the purse strings of Connecticut (i.e. Democrats) have indebted this state to a level that is DOUBLE the national average ($23.55 BILLION).  Think about it!  Connecticut ranks 49th in fiscal health.  Under Democratic leadership, Connecticut is sinking into a black hole of debt it cannot afford.  That is not "government" money.  That is YOUR money.

With this much debt to dig out from under, how can you believe a politician that promises all kinds of spending policies that we can't possibly afford?  Have you ever heard the saying "How can you expect a different result if you keep doing the same thing?" 

This November 6th try voting against the Democrats who have robbed your future wealth with their out of control spending.  Vote Republican for a different approach, a fiscally responsible approach, to fixing our fiscal house.  And ask you family and friends to also vote Republican for a change.  What do you have to lose?  After all, it is YOUR money that's being drained from your wallet, your take home pay, your bank account.


  1. Thank you for writing this. Well said and very accurate. Definition of crazy is repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. I guess if your happy with the fiscal situation of this state then keep voting Democrat but if you want to see any chance of improvement vote Republican this November.

  2. This post is so misleading as to be effectively a falsehood. A reader genuinely interested in knowing who the "out of control big spenders" are would do well to start with responsible journalism, which describes an eighty-year, bipartisan failure to plan:

    A big part of the reason for this failure is the false narrative of perpetual growth peddled by unscrupulous economists who find an eager audience among undereducated but ambitious politicians, whose demagoguery then leads a gullible public down the primrose path. Who doesn't want something for nothing?

    If we do as Ms. Liska suggests, we will vote for the Republican candidate for governor. His website prominently features the claim that he will "Cut Taxes". He is endorsed by the notorious economist Arthur Laffer, advisor to a generation of Republicans whose idea of prosperity is to privatize everything. If you want Connecticut to be Brownback's Kansas, he deserves your vote.

    I DO often vote democrat, and am registered as one so that I can participate in the primary most likely to be consequential in Connecticut. But I regard myself as an independent, and I do my homework when deciding how to vote rather than allow my sense of entitlement and outrage to control my actions.

    If you need an example of a responsible politician who diligently works to understand the issues and then works with both parties in Hartford to do right by the citizens of Connecticut, then Matt Lesser (yes, a Democrat), who is running for senate in the 9th district, is your candidate. If only there were a few more like him, and less partisan demagoguery, Connecticut would find the best path through these tough times. It would still be a difficult path, but perhaps the disaster virtually assured by something-for-nothing politicians could be averted.

  3. I cannot believe the Eye would print such BS. Thank you Mr. Brian Stewart for expressing a valid and intelligent opinion eloquently and succinctly. Your comment deserves the attention, not the uniformed nonsense of Joan Liska. Seriously, Middletown Eye, get your act together. We need you.

    Jennifer Peifer

  4. No way would I consider wasting a vote on and looser party candidate. Eight years of Malloy and lies from other dems such as Bloomthal, Murphy are enough.
    Democrats use the same worn out arguments like. GOP will take away health care, do away with social security, layoff teachers, etc etc. and yet it was the GOP who saved these social programs.

  5. My Favorite Mark Twain Quote Is: "Politicians and diapers must be changed often and both for the same reason!

  6. I have always voted my conscience, not by party. I am a registered independent. This article however is filled with half truths and innuendo far surpassing the irresponsible. Although I agree that the current leadership has been gravely ineffective, this is not a party problem but much more so a cronyism problem. We need to look at this election as an auditor would when working on suspect books. And unfortunately, we must vote for the "lesser of two evils". To do anything else just dooms us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

  7. Lamont and the other Democrats that are running are all just extentions of Malloy. The sad truth is they have all failed the peopke of our state, in some cases for many years. New candidates will just carry this on.
    Say what you want, but most cities, towns,or states being tun by Democrats are deep in debt, have the highest taxes as well as crime.

  8. First of all, I vote "Democratic", not "Democrat", and the majorities in the state house and senate are "Democratic" majorities.

  9. The author of this piece obviously forgot about former Governor John Rowland & Jodi Rell who were elected and reelected to three terms in office. Once Governor Rowland resigned Jodi Rell became governor. Both Rowland/Rell ran in 1994 and Rowland said that he would eliminate the income tax after 5 years. As you know that never happened from either ex governor & felon John Rowland for whatever reason or reasons he chose not to pursue eliminating the income tax. My guess is that former Governor Rowland was too busy taking bribes & gifts for his lakeside cottage at Bantam Lake. Once he resigned in disgrace Governor Rell did not eliminate the income tax either in her 6 years as Governor. The Republicans controlled the Governor's office for 16 years and they never repealed it ever after their campaign promise in 1994 when Rowland said he would after 5 years in office. Now all of you may be saying the General Assembly & State Senate were controlled by the Democrats and they could not. I don't buy that argument because there were probably Conservative Dems, & moderate Dems who would have voted for it with their GOP counterparts which could have happened. But it never did. To believe former GOP candidate Bob Stefanowski's claim that he would eliminate the income tax was nonsense. He lied to get people to vote for him and thank goodness Stefanowski lost. The two former GOP Governors Rowland & Rell never eliminated the income tax. Both Rowland & Rell are responsible for the inflated state government too and the state debt not just the Democrats. Both political parties and politicians from both sides are to blame for the mess CT is in. At least Gov Elect Lamont realized this. All we can do is to paraphrase a Mel Brooks song from his movie The Twelve Chairs is "Hope for the Best Expect the Worst". Please Everyone relax.


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