Thursday, October 11, 2018

In The Buttonwood Tree ART GALLERY

"The Middletown Series" by Janine Janaki
Held over until December 1
Middletown artist, Janine Janaki, offers an introspective, passionate and heartfelt caption to each of her paintings on display at The Buttonwood Tree, allowing the viewer a deeper understanding and appreciation for the visual art. There is such spirit in the paintings that if you've been to the places she's painted such as O'Rourke's Diner, Wadsworth Falls, Wild Bill's Nostalgia (which recently closed), Eli Cannon's or Smith & Bishell Hardware, you're likely to be taken back there in your mind, and feel just like you did when you were there. Or perhaps you'll identify with one of the special people she has drawn, like the Meditation Man, Bob Vinci, or the Sweeper, Fred Carroll. Each piece is a masterpiece and prints are available for very reasonable prices.
I have never not painted. As early as I can recall, I’ve spilled colors and patterns onto paper... sometimes mere scraps, with whatever implement I could find.
As does the sun that rises... as do the birds that sing... I paint because I must. I disappear into the realm of the unseen and return with a translation of a soul-felt reality.
Is there a plan? Somewhat – a rudimentary outline of a subject at hand. Then I depart... my hands move. Compelled, I work in minute detail, an inch at a time, pushing colors inexplicably upon the pastel board. When I step back, I am always surprised to see the world, larger than life.
Middletown is a special place... the only place I’ve ever truly felt at home. It has a certain vitality... a certain edge that cannot be contained by the status quo. The North
End is alive. Wesleyan breathes dreams. The CT River is a steady friend. From the colorful exchanges outside the soup kitchen, to the quiet beauty of Wadsworth Park, to the happy Saturday morning queue outside O’Rourke’s, to the world music at The Buttonwood Tree, to the Mug Club at Eli’s, to the multinational restaurant scene... Middletown speaks of originality and authenticity. I simply had to paint it!!

Janine Janaki

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