Monday, July 16, 2018

Middlesex Community College to Host Fun and Informative Open House on July 19


Interested prospective students, families, and community members are invited to explore classes, meet faculty, and experience Middlesex Community College at an OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, July 19, 2018. The open house will run from noon to 7:30 p.m. at the Middletown campus located at 100 Training Hill Road. This fun-filled event is designed for all prospective students, including high school students, adult learners, veterans, business partners, as well as those looking for a career boost or business training.

Middlesex campus doors will be open for an exciting day of activities, interactive exhibits, informative workshops, and hands-on displays — everything needed to discover MxCC’s affordable and outstanding academic programs and to apply for Fall 2018 admission on the spot. Then stay for a special appearance by Hot 93.7 DJ Stevey Newnez, starting at 3 p.m.

Tour the scenic MxCC campus (one of Middletown’s hidden gems), meet with faculty members from more than 65 associate degree and certificate programs, speak with financial aid counselors, and get advice from college success teams. Beginning at 12:30 p.m., and at every hour, visitors can attend workshops in financial aid, college success, and career preparation. Academic program coordinators will be available from 2 to 6 p.m.

Explore demonstrations and interactive displays from several of MxCC’s academic and training programs, including the Center for New Media, emergency medical technician (EMT), law enforcement/police vehicles and equipment, veterinary technology, student clubs, and much more. 

MxCC community business partners are also invited to be available to meet with prospective students or learn how an MxCC education enables students to obtain jobs in their industries.

The first 200 guests will receive giveaways. Everyone is invited to stay to enjoy refreshments and live entertainment.

For more information, please visit

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