Sunday, June 17, 2018

Middletown Eye Roll Call

Hey all you Eyeballs!  In honor of the tenth anniversary of the Middletown Eye, let's have an old-school Roll Call.

Please reply in the comments if you read the Eye (anonymously if you must) and why.  Let us know what you'd like to see more of, because maybe someone out there would write about it.

Over those 10 years, I'm always grateful that someone (usually Stephen Devoto) took the time to let us know, from their point of view, what's going on in town.

As always, we welcome more writers on more topics, though perhaps writing for the Eye should come with a warning label:  PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT'S GOING ON IN TOWN MAY LEAD TO INCREASED CIVIC ENGAGEMENT. 

Here's to the instigators, patriots, writers, artists, do-gooders and whiners who have decorated these pixelated pages since 2008.  Huzzah!


  1. I read it every morning, thankfully. Of course I’d like to see more local coverage, even minutes from meetings like common Council, planning and zoning, etc. Even better to distribute with editorial coverage

  2. I'm an Eye reader. I enjoy getting a grass roots look of wants happening or not happening in
    our community.The other sources of local news reporting don't even come close. Thanks for what you do.

  3. I’m a new reader with plans to move to Middletown within the next few months. I love getting a better understanding of the town I hope to call home soon and look forward to volunteering as a writer when I do!

  4. Read it daily. I too thank S DeV for reports on town business. What would I like to read? Notice of Council, BoE, P&Z etc meetings a few days before they take place, that'd be great. Thanks to all!

  5. I always keep my eye on the headlines from the Middletown Eye. I appreciate keeping up with all the local politics & happenings... thanks to all the contributors.

  6. I read the Eye daily. It is the only way I can find out what is happening in Middletown. I don't follow the Middletown Press because they're too "after the fact". The Eye lets me know when things will be happening. I do wish there were more town meeting notes (Common Council; BOE; etc.) because I cannot get to those meetings. The Eye is really a gem.

    Jennifer Peifer

  7. Hey Ed - I didn't even notice the "Eye Roll" in my own headline. I'm not that are though, and that's one of the reasons I read the Eye!


  8. Read the Eye daily and sincerely appreciate the time Ed, Steve, Jen and all the contributors put into producing a quality product over the years. It offers a deeper dive and different perspective into city happenings than the regional papers have budget to support. I suspect you have much greater readership than is indicated by the occasional comments posted.

  9. I read it often!

  10. I love the site it's the only way to truly get Middletown news and have open discussion where average citizens can be heard.

  11. I don't live in Middletown but close enough so I like to check in to see what is going on. Which reminds me, if you like folk/Americana/bluegrass music, tune in to Acoustic Blender on Middletown's WESU 88.1 FM Tuesdays at 6pm. And did I mention our pledge drive?


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