Thursday, May 24, 2018

Serra, Phipps, and Lisa Santangelo gain Democratic Endorsements

The city's Democratic Town Committee met Thursday evening as a nominating convention to endorse candidates for the State Legislature and for the Registrar of Voters.

To represent the 33rd House District, Joe Serra was nominated for a 14th term by Gerry Daley, and seconded by Tom Serra, Domenique Thornton, and Rob Blanchard. He was described as quiet but respected, and effective at bringing state resources to our city. With no other nominations, he was endorsed by acclamation.

To represent the 100th District, Quentin Phipps was nominated for a first term by Jeanette Blackwell, and seconded by LIsa Loomis. Robert Santangelo was nominated by Robert Blanchard, and seconded by Tom Serra. Phipps received 47 votes, Santangelo received 6.

In the Registrar of Voters endorsement,  Charlotte McCoid was nominated by Patricia Charles, and seconded by Leslie Beaudry and Christine Bourne. Lisa Santangelo was nominated by Rob Blanchard, and seconded by Matt Lesser and Steven Kovach.  Santangelo received 31 votes, McCoid received 21 votes. 

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