Sunday, March 4, 2018

Lesser Eyes State Senate

From the Matt Lesser.
Rep. Matt Lesser (D-Middletown) announced today he is officially exploring running for the Ninth State Senate District, which includes about half of our city, as well as Cromwell, Newington, Rocky Hill, and parts of Wethersfield. 

Common Councilman Gene P. Nocera of Middletown will serve as treasurer.

The seat is currently held by Paul Doyle, who declared yesterday that he is leaving the seat to run for Connecticut Attorney General.

“Making big ideas work for our towns is what motivates me each morning,” said Matt Lesser. “I’ve worked for real change in Hartford and in our towns. Our next state senator should be an honest, effective fighter for working people. That’s why over the next few weeks, I’ll be traveling around the district, meeting people and listening.”

Matt Lesser, who chairs the Banking Committee, has earned respect as a champion of workers, families and retirees over 9 years as a state representative.  He:

  • Took on Wall Street to protect retirement security for public school teachers
  • Passed the nation’s first Student Loan Bill of Rights
  • Kept dirty fracking waste from polluting Connecticut’s streams and drinking water
  • Passed the strongest worker-safety laws in the country after the Kleen Energy Disaster. 

“Our community was built on good jobs in manufacturing and skilled trades, and Matt Lesser knows these are vital for Connecticut’s future,” said Shirley Dickes, a 28-year retired union machinist at Pratt & Whitney in Middletown. “Matt works harder than anyone to get things done.”

Matt is currently championing Paid Family Medical Leave to ensure working people can take paid time off to care for a sick child or relative. A cancer survivor, Matt is also leading efforts to protect the Affordable Care Act and ensure access to women’s health services.

“Matt Lesser is talented, experienced, and has a demonstrated track record of advocating for the needs and values of his constituents,” said Jon Johnson, a nurse in Rocky Hill.  At this critical time for our state and country, Matt is exactly the change we need and I’m urging him to run for Connecticut State Senate.”

“As a disabled veteran, I’ve given everything for my country. But big banks didn’t care - when I got sick and my wife lost her job, the bank tried to foreclose on our house. But with Matt Lesser’s help, we were able to stay in our home,” said Brendon Cameron of Middletown.  “Middletown has been lucky to have Matt Lesser, and no one would work harder for the people of Cromwell, Rocky Hill, Newington, and Wethersfield.

The Connecticut State Senate is currently split 18-18, making every open seat a closely-watched race for both Democrats and Republicans.  In his first election in 2008, Matt knocked on 5,000 doors to talk directly with voters. He went on to defeat the incumbent in a major upset, becoming Connecticut's youngest serving legislator.

“Our families are under attack by special interests in Hartford as much as they are in Washington.   Important issues like access to women’s health care, funding our schools, and protecting a secure retirement often are decided by one single vote,” continued Lesser. 

Matt lives in the North End with his wife Sarah and their dog Lucy.

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