Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Westfield Fire District Election of Commissioners

The annual meeting of the Westfield Fire District was held in the fire station last night.

The main item on the agenda was the election of three commissioners to three year terms

202 votes were cast.

Greg Ami, ran unopposed for the firefighter's seat, and received 92 votes.

3 men vied for the two non-firefighter's seat. Brian White (180 votes) and David Peterson (112 votes) won election over John Lockwood (106 votes).

The crowd of people who stayed after voting included many who had served the fire district either as firemen or as commissioners. Ross Andrew, who was first elected to the Commission in 1959, pointed proudly to his son, Lieutenant Dana Andrews, and his grandson, firefighter Owen Andrews.

The outgoing Chair of the Commission, Fred Jones, read the annual report to the assembled crowd. The department responded to 1213 incidents in 2017: 713 Medical Calls, 108 Fire Alarms, 106 Auto Accidents, 70 Mutual Aid Calls, 47 Smoke or CO conditions or investigations, 42 False Alarms, 20 Police Assistance, 17 Water Problems, 13 Haz Mat Calls, 11 Vehicle Fires, 4 Structure Fires, and 62 Miscellaneous.

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