Tuesday, January 2, 2018

This Weekend at The Buttonwood Tree

Story City Troupe

Story City is a troupe of storytellers based in the Hartford, CT area and trained by Matt Dicks, one of The Moth’s champion storytellers. Story City Troupe uses The Moth Formula: all are true, personal stories, often funny, sometimes amazing, poignant or ironic and based on a single theme for the evening. The troupe members range in age from their 20’s to their 70’s, proving you can come up with a good story at any age.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll identify!
This group is led by Sue Huggans and welcomes new members.
This Month’s Performers:
Maire Greene
Tarn Granucci
Mike Isko
Wendy Marans
Anna Bninski; an editor by trade; outside of the office she pitches style manuals in favor of stories. She lives in New Haven, where she is a part of the storytelling community based at the Institute Library.
Matt Dicks
This Months Theme: "Egg on Face"
Friday January 5th | 8-10pm | $10 admission

"Mystic Collages" Art Reception

Flo Bartosiak

       Flo doesn’t consider herself a traditional artist. She’s not skilled at painting or sketching representational objects, but she finds collage a way of expressing a sense of inner connectedness that she explores through various images overlapping and flowing into each other.
Flo discovered collage as an art form through her friend, Mylene Poitras, an expressive artist. It was part of a process they did every morning, beginning with meditation and followed by collage, which was also done in silence. Mylene would set a timer so they were aware that they needed to surrender to the art and allow it to flow  through them without over analysis, perfectionism, or hesitation. Whatever they were feeling found it’s expression through images from magazines, pieces of material, feathers, rose petals, whatever was in the room and on the table to use.
When they finished the collage, they would share what they had done and very often Flo was surprised by the final result. It was as if a super conscious part of herself was creating something her conscious mind was unaware of. The collage was the vehicle of expression that allowed information to be brought to her conscious awareness. Sharing it was another dimension of that process and She’s thrilled to be able to do this at an even greater level here at The Buttonwood Tree.

Sunday January 7th | 2-4pm

Visit buttonwood.org for more info/reserve seats
Call 860.347.4957
TBT is located next to It's Only Natural Market at 605 Main Street, Middletown

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