Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Teen Open Mic

Teens, looking for a place to perform? A place to recite your latest poem?
How about your newest original scene? Or, a time-tested monologue? If so, The Buttonwood Tree Teen Open Mic is FOR YOU!
Be a part of Buttonwood’s first ever open mic specifically for teen performers ages 12-18. Perform any type of artwork: you can use our piano or bring a guitar, ukulele, or other instrument to play! Cover your favorite song or perform an original! Whether it is your first time performing or you are an experienced teen musician, poet, or artist, the Buttonwood Tree is a positive, supporting environment for teens to perform. Parents and friends are welcome to come support!
Thanks to Matt at the Middlesex Music Academy, a back line of a full drum kit, bass amp and guitar amp can be provided with advance notice. Email or call us to make arrangements.

February 17 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm $5.00

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