Thursday, January 11, 2018

Drum Fest Service begins 350th Year at First Church

Other drums, other times.

Let’s Connect!

The highly charged beat of African drums and other percussion instruments will highlight the service
at First Church on Sunday, January 14, 2018,
as First Church begins its 350th anniversary year celebration.

Come and experience the powerful effect of the primal drumbeat--it will stir your blood, give your heart a boost, and recharge your spirit after these several cold and snowy weeks.

Caution: Dancing might break out during the service! ... But it's unlikely that people will be playing cards. (Both dancing and card playing were taboo on Sundays in the early days of the Congregational-UCC church in America.) There've been lots of other changes in this church, too ... as God is still speaking.

First Church is Open and Affirming. All are welcome. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your children & babies! 

First Church in Middletown, CT
190 Court St., side door
Middletown, CT
On Facebook at First Church-FB  
for more information.
Or call our office 860-346-6657.
Child care available. Ample parking nearby.

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