Thursday, November 9, 2017

MHS Singers in GMChorale Concert Sunday!

From Joyce Kirkpatrick.
The Middletown High School Advanced Choir, Stephanie Zak, Conductor will make a guest
appearance at the GMChorale’s annual fall concert, Where Earth Meets Sky, on Sunday, November 12, at 4 PM. 

The young singers will join the more seasoned singers of the GMChorale and its vocal chamber group Alchemy to swell the choral group to nearly 100 voices focused in song.  GMChorale Artistic Director Joseph D’Eugenio, will conduct the concert, the first in the GMChorale’s 2017-2018 Season of Resounding Voices.  The Advanced Choir’s appearance is the result of several joint rehearsals and part of the GMChorale’s new Mentorship Initiative.

In a wide-ranging program, this opening performance of GMChorale’s Resounding Voices Concert Season presents evocative choral music that explores our connections to the earth and to each other. Some of the music features composers who are composing at this very moment in time.
The fall program, Where the Earth Meets the Sky, includes beautiful settings of poetry by Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, and John Rutter, plus Gwyneth Walker’s poignant “White Horses” and rousing “Tell the Earth to Shake,” as well as lyrics from Native American, Shaker, and American folk traditions. Artistic Director Joseph D’Eugenio has selected music of many moods—rousing, poignant, contemplative, subtle, and ecstatic — to showcase the “resounding voices” of the GMChorale and its guest choir, The Middletown High School Advanced Choir.

After producing and performing three choral masterworks last season in celebration of their 40th anniversary—DuruflĂ©’s Requiem, Handel’s Messiah with the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, and Meneely-Kyder’s Letter from Italy, 1944 with the Hartford Chorale and Hartford Symphony Orchestra—the 80-voice GMChorale enters its fifth decade by singing some of the choral repertory’s most strikingly beautiful music specifically selected to heighten our senses and expand our awareness of time, sound, and space.

GMChorale’s choral offerings on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m., at the Middletown High School’s Performing Arts Center, 200 La Rosa Lane, will span the centuries and will highlight the great vocal diversity and artistry of GMChorale as well as the blossoming talents of the Middletown High School Advanced Choir.

Please join GMChorale and experience the beauty, joy, and comfort found in great music. Tickets are available online: single tickets, $15-$35; two-concert (November and April) adult subscription, $60; group rate for 10 or more, $30. Please visit for tickets and further information.

This concert is funded, in part, through grants from the Middletown Commission on the Arts (MCA) and the Connecticut Office of the Arts/DECD, and many generous donors.

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