Saturday, October 21, 2017

Waiting for Hillary

When tickets went on sale for a booksigning at Wesleyan/RJ Julia for her recently released "What Happened," they sold out in a matter of hours.

The enthusiasm was evident today as eager supporters lined Main Street in Middletown Saturday morning beginning just after 7:30 a.m.   By ten the line stretched from the bookstore, down Main Street and around the corner to the steps of First Church on Court Street.

At ten thirty, the Secret Service as called in to sweep the bookstore, and Clinton was scheduled to arrive just before 11 a.m. to begin the signing.

Photo by D. McMillan


  1. Millions live in Ct. Still not a good showing for this has been.
    Also, who's paying for the extra police patrols?

  2. Great to see this kind of activity on Main St. Sign of renewal in Middletown. I'm sure Republican speakers and authors are welcome--maybe the bookstore will invite George Will!

  3. Have you read or listened to George Will lately?

  4. How about Jeff Flake then?


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