Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Music at The Mansion Rain Date

You may remember the buckets of rain that fell the night that Doo-Wop DeVille started to play on the back patio of The Wadsworth Mansion (July 12, I believe).  The Music at The Mansion series rain date is usually the week after the final concert and should have been August 2.  But the band, based in Massachusetts, could not return until the second Wednesday in August, which is tomorrow August 9.  Actually, that's good because last Wednesday, the Middletown area had quite a storm. But it is also kind-of-bad because tomorrow is Motorcycle Mania on Main Street Middletown.

courtesy of Doo-Wop DeVille
So, you have a choice on what looks will be a beautiful afternoon and evening in Central Connecticut.  You can go downtown and ogle all the fine motorcycles that make the trek to town or head to the Mansion for some sweet music.  Chances are, you can do both.  Motorcycle Mania runs from 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. while Doo-Wop DeVille hits the patio stage around 6:30 p.m.  Both events are free and open to the public.  Have fun, on matter what you choose to do!

Take a listen:

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