Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Sounds of Music at Adath Israel

The poster above says most of what you need to know; this coming Saturday evening, Congregation Adath Israel, 8 Broad Street in Middletown, is hosting concert featuring Cantor Isaac Yager and his wife Meredith.  Cantor Yager is in the midst of a six-month assignment serving as the Interim Rabbi while Rabbi Seth Haaz is on sabbatical.  Cantor Yager is a graduating senior at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City where he is not only part of the Cantorial program but also studying Jewish education.  A graduate of Bard College, where he majored in theater, and Boston University, where he earned his Master's Degree in vocal performance, Cantor Yager has sung in the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir and has also been a member of the chorus of the Boston Lyric Opera.

His wife Meredeth also graduated from Boston University, is a soprano with a love of "art song" and opera.  Those of us in the Congregation who regularly attend services on the weekends the Cantor who possesses a handsome tenor voice, is in town really enjoy listening to both of them singing and, especially for me, their lovely harmonies.  

The concert is open to the public. Call 860-346-4709 to make reservations. If you are attending, remember that there is no parking directly behind the synagogue but plenty of spaces nearby.  

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