Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Dukale's Dream to be Screened Monday, September 26 as part of The Elements Environmental Film Series

Please join us for a free screening of Dukale's Dream, the next film in The Elements: An Annual Environmental Film Series, about the beneficial impacts of fair trade coffee on the environment and the lives of the growers. The film will be shown on Monday, September 26 at 7:00PM at the Powell Family Cinema in Wesleyan University's Center for Film Studies, 301 Washington Terrace, Middletown, CT (directions and parking information).

As described on the film's website, Dukale is a coffee farmer in Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe region, working to lift his family out of poverty.  By utilizing shade grown farming practices and limiting reliance on fossil fuels, Dukale was able to create a bio-farm with a zero carbon footprint and resounding health implications for his family. Hugh Jackman meets Dukale while on a humanitarian trip to Ethiopia, and through their relationship he comes to understand that something as simple as a cup of coffee had the potential to reduce global poverty through the choices consumers made in the United States.

As always, the film is open to the public and free of charge. There will be time for informal discussion after the film. If you have questions, please contact our office, 860-346-3282. We hope you can join us!

The Elements: An Annual Environmental Film Series was begun in 2015 by the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Middlesex Community College Environmental Science Program, The Rockfall Foundation, and Wesleyan University's Center for the Arts and College of the Environment. Dukale's Dream is the seventh film in the series. Previous films include: Elemental, Watershed, Dirt! The Movie, Chasing Ice, The End of the Line, and The True Cost.

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