Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 29-30 Kali: Laugh Live Love, Sweet As Sugar

Kali: Laugh Live Love

July 29 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm | $10

Kali is a Boston based alternative / folk artist and singer-songwriter with many influences. Join Kali here at The Buttonwood Tree as he presents music he has been working on for his next recording entitled “Laugh Live Love.”

 Check out more of Kali and his music here!

Aligned with Source: An Interactive Workshop

July 30 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | suggested minimum donation $5 

Hosted by Annaita Gandhy, A Spiritual & Holistic Healer from India, who is experienced in applying varied healing modalities to a wide range of situations. In these inter-active workshops, Annaita seeks to empower, sharing her deep understanding of life, holism and spirituality, enabling you to rise above life’s challenges, live a healthy, fulfilled & confident life.
To learn more about Annaita Gandhy and her work click here!

Sweet As Sugar

July 30 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm | $10

Sweet As Sugar

“Sweet As Sugar” is Bill Shontz, Zack Danziger and Kate Nicolau. At their core they are jazz based, but mix in originals and cool medleys and fusions of well known songs. Bill Shontz, writes, sings, and plays Flute, Clarinet, Saxophones and more. Kate is a wonderful vocalist with a sweet, jazzy, sound, and Zack is a brilliant guitarist and vocalist/songwriter. They combine their voices to make some terrific, sophisticated harmonies making for great original arrangements.
More the fantastic trio Sweet As Sugar can be found here!

The Tile Project

Members of The Buttonwood Tree are mounting a fundraising campaign that will bring a beautiful visual art installation to the foyer of The Buttonwood Tree. A 46”x 58” space on the wall will be filled with a ceramic tile mini mural of an artist’s interpretation of both the mission and Buttonwood Tree logo. The area holds a total of 154 tile squares used in the artwork. Each tile, sold for $50.00, represents an investment in the extraordinary performances, connections, and good will found at The Buttonwood Tree every single day.

Names will be engraved on a bronze plaque that will hang alongside the finished piece. The tile work will hang in the lobby for a period of two years or more before being retired to another location in the facility.

Purchasers of tiles will also be invited to a special reception where the work will be unveiled for the first time and be given an opportunity to meet with the artist as he/she discusses the work.

Be part of the Tile Project HERE


The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center
605 Main Street / PO Box 71, Middletown, CT 06457
CLICK TO GO TO WEBSITE: / 860.347.4957 

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