Monday, June 20, 2016

Report: Mayor Drew "Seriously Considering" Run for Governor

(updated 9:15pm with info on Malloy press conference)

If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in November, conventional wisdom says she's likely to tap Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy for a high level post. Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman would take over the job, but is considered unlikely to run in 2018. 

But Mayor Dan Drew just might.

The Republican-American newspaper, which covers New Haven and Litchfield counties, caught up with Drew in New Milford on Saturday at a meeting of the Connecticut Council of Democratic Mayors, which he chairs. (Drew grew up in New Milford.) 

The brief article is here, behind's paywall.  Drew discussed CCDM's mission to "affect politics on the local level," but reporter Susan Tuz also quoted him as saying he was "seriously considering a run for governor."

Drew, age 37, was elected Mayor in 2011, and re-elected by large margins in 2013 and 2015.  He graduated from UConn as political science major, worked as a journalist, and recently earned a master's degree in social-organizational psychology from Columbia University.

Drew has been a vocal supporter of Governor Malloy, who will be in Middletown Tuesday to announce plans to remove signal lights and solve traffic problems on Route 9. A recent Quinnipiac poll recorded Malloy's approval rating at a record low 24%.


  1. The Peter principal at work.

  2. Is anyone in Middletown really surprised by this? Why else would someone, who had just moved into Middletown, want to run for Mayor? He used our city as a stepping stone for his own personal agenda, and Middletown residents were okay with that. New Milford, his real hometown broke the story, that kind of says something right there!
    If elected Governor, I'm sure he will carry on the Malloy legacy of higher taxes, layoffs, and claiming to have changed how our State for the better.....that's what he has done in Middletown and it works. Smoke and mirrors!
    Won't be surprised if he gets his PhD in social-organizational psychology if elected Governor. Middletown residents didn't mind a Mayor who worked only half the time while he attended Columbia University for his Master's degree. Maybe that's his plan before he runs for President!


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