Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Building Committee For Proposed New Middle School Named

Building a new school is a years' long process.

Due to the condition of Woodrow Wilson Middle School, and a student enrollment on the decrease at Keigwin and Woodrow Wilson, the Board of Education has proposed a study as to whether a new middle school is needed for the district which would consolidate the 6th grade school at Keigwin and grades 7 and 8 at Woodrow Wilson.

At the Common Council Monday members of the building committee were named. This committee will appraise the need for and feasibility of a new school, and if the project moves forward, will serve until the school is built.

The committee chosen includes:

Mary Bartolotta, Chair of the building committee, and current Common Council member
Christopher Drake, Board of Education, vice chair of building committee
Ted Raczka, attorney in Middletown and former chair of the Board of Education
Kristy Byrd, Administration - Health and Physical Education, Woodrow Wilson
Sheila Daniels, Board of Education
Richard Pelletier, Plannng and Zoning Commission
Gene Nocera, Common Council, former Board of Ed chair, former principal Woodrow Wilson
Phil Pessina, Common Council
John Giuliano, Maintenance, Middletown Schools
John Phillips, Director of Public Works, West Hartford, former BOE member, vice chair High School building committee
Chris Bonsignore, civil engineer, parent of children in Middletown schools

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