Friday, February 26, 2016

Writing Workshop with Steve Liskow at Russell Library this Saturday

Steven Liskow
This Saturday, February 27 at 2:00 pm, Steven Liskow will teach a writing workshop in the Hubbard Room of the Russell Library.

One of the most overlooked and crucial decisions concerns who actually tells your story. Different narrators or perspectives can add texture or weaken your impact, and they all have special advantages and demands. Using recent examples, Steve helps you understand how to choose the narrator who can give your story that extra punch.
A former actor, director, and English teacher, Mr. Liskow is now a member of the International Thriller Writers and Private Eye Writers of America and serves as a mentor and panelist for the Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime.
His short stories have earned an Edgar nomination, the Black Orchid Novella Award, and two Honorable Mentions for the Al Blanchard Story Award.
The Whammer Jammers, his first self-published novel, was a quarterfinalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest. The Kids Are All Right, his most recent Zach Barnes novel, is a finalist for the Shamus Award for best Indie Novel from the Private Eye Writers of America. Blood On The Tracks, the first 'Woody' Guthrie Novel, won Honorable Mention in the Writer's Digest Self-Published Novel Awards for 2014. The second book in that series, Oh Lord, Won't You Steal Me a Mercedes Benz, appeared in April 2015.
Drop-in, no registration required.

This workshop is sponsored by The Friends of the Russell Library.

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